Contact Us

We need YOU to help make this a reality. Either through traditional “sweat equity” or better yet by a small tax-deductable monetary donation, (Tax ID 93-1132635). TFFF will provide a like amount to what ever we can raise. Here’s your chance to become a part of our community’s heritage!

Would you like more information about the Community Fountain Mosaic Project? Would you like to volunteer to help make it happen? Would you like to donate to the project? Take part in a workshop? If yes to any of these questions, please feel free to fill out the form below and we will get back to you. You may also Contact us by Email at: info [AT] or by regular mail at: Community Fountain Mosaic, c/o Jerald D. Steffen, CPA, 502 N. 1st St., Silverton, OR 97381 Or you can donate directly by clicking the PayPal link to the left:

Contact Form

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